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At The Connect Center, we envision a future where every member of the LGBTQIA+ community has access to the resources, support, and guidance they need. As part of this mission, we're excited to announce the services we will be launching in the coming year:

Counseling Services

Soon, we'll provide a range of professional counseling services to support individuals, couples, and families navigate their unique journeys with care and understanding.

Support Groups

We're in the process of establishing various support groups, providing a platform for members to share experiences, provide mutual support, and connect.

Educational Workshops

In the near future, we'll be conducting educational workshops covering a variety of important topics, designed to empower through knowledge.

Youth Services

We're committed to supporting the younger members of our community. We're working on creating programs and resources that promote self-expression, acceptance, and growth.

Senior Services

Recognizing the contributions and needs of our older community members, we'll soon offer services aimed at enhancing social connections, healthcare accessibility, and more.

Advocacy Programs

We're developing programs that will enable members to champion LGBTQIA+ rights at local, state, and national levels.

HIV Testing

To ensure community health and early treatment access, we'll provide free and confidential HIV testing services.

Healthcare Resources

We're committed to making the healthcare system more accessible and friendly for our community, and we're building partnerships with trusted healthcare providers to make this possible.

Legal Services

To help you navigate legal issues, we'll provide access to comprehensive legal resources and services.

These services reflect our ongoing commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community. As we work towards making them available, we value your patience and support. Together, we can create a stronger, more empowered community.